


沿着同一条线,最近的证据表明,儿童的社会认知技能可能会对他们的关系和学校成功的质量产生直接影响。具有越来越发达的社会认知的儿童往往是更好的沟通者,社会能力,与同龄人,学校更快乐,以及学术上更先进的人。In contrast, those with poor social cognition are more likely to have difficulty making the transition to school, to react more violently in face of harsh parenting, and to experience difficulties in school that may be misread as conduct problems (e.g., lacking respect towards a teacher).






在家庭内部的几项活动可以增强儿童的社会认知。鉴于儿童能够抑制他们的冲动思想/行为(即,执行职能)倾向于作为社会认知的重要预测因子,父母应在与孩子一起玩时提供充分的指导和自主权平衡。涉及谈论人们的想法,欲望和感受的活动以及他们行为的原因应该是特权的原因。例如,在联合假装游戏中吸引孩子是一种方式,让他们认识到情绪和行为的表达因下一个人而异。另一个强烈推荐的活动是故事阅读。While questioning children on various events occurring in stories, especially those involving tricks, secrets or mistakes, parents help children to adopt the perspective of others (e.g., asking children whether they believe the Red Riding Hood knows that the wolf is dressed as her grandma). Furthermore, providing reasons when correcting children’s misbehaviours is highly recommended because it helps children to develop an early awareness that people experience different feelings or desires. Lastly, a sensitive and caring parenting style is especially beneficial when interacting with children in various activities (e.g., peek-a-boo, pretend-play, picture-books). Through positive dyadic exchanges, children have the opportunity to improve their social and emotional learning which in turn sets the stage for positive interactions within the peer groups. Indeed, these social behaviours not only promote social cognition but also teach children how to positively interact with their peers while reducing the likelihood that their social and cognitive understanding will lead to antisocial behaviours (e.g., teasing, bullying, and lying).


社会认知:综合。在:Tremblay Re,Boivin M,Peters Rdev,EDS。zelazo pd,主题编辑。百科全书在幼儿发展中(在线)。//www.zhuyintao.com/social-cognition/synthesis。2019年12月30日更新。在2021年7月30日访问。